✔ Do More Takeoffs than Landings in a Plane

There is the mile-high club… and then there’s the club of those few that have managed to make more take-offs in an aircraft than landings…

The premise is simple; you start with a perfectly good aircraft, without any known faults. You reach an altitude of several thousand meters/feet; open the door and jump out. A few seconds pass as you get closer and closer to terminal velocity – the fastest your body can go before abruptly slowing down as it hits the (very solid) crust of the earth. If all goes well, at some point before hitting the earth, a glorified shopping bag opens above your head and slows you down enough to ensure you don’t die when you finally get your feet back down.

If you are now thinking we are all mad and you wouldn’t begin to think of leaving a perfectly good aircraft to join those few of us who have managed more take-offs than landings in an aircraft then the very least you can do is watch us jump!

P.S. No, I have no idea how they convinced me, who is scared of heights, to do this…

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